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Upcoming shows/events:

We will try to be at the Poodle Specialty show in Washington, late September. We will be attending the UKC show in Farmington Mid-November.


June 28-30, 2024 Ragnar earned a Best In Show under judge Kim Rowley. He also earned a few Best of Breed and Group placements.

BIS EGRCH NatCH Nay Designs Keeper Of The Fort CGCA


June 28-30, 2024 Hilda earned a Best In Show under judge Helayne Parker. She also earned points and competition wins towards her Champion title.

BIS NatBA IntBa Nay Designs Come And Get Your Love CGCU


April 28-29, 2024 Ragnar earned his National Champion title through IABCA.

EGRCH NatCH Nay Designs Keeper Of The Fort CGCA


April 28-29, 2024 Hilda earned her National and International Champion titles. She also earned Reserve Best In Show Rare Puppy, Reserve Best In Show Bred by Exhibitor, and Best In Show Puppy Bred By Exhibitor.

NatBA IntBA Nay Designs Come And Get Your Love CGCU


March 1-3, 2024 Ragnar earned his Emerald Grand Champion title. He also earned a Group 3.

EGRCH Nay Designs Keeper Of The Fort BCAT CGCA


March 1-3, 2024 Hilda showed wonderfully but didn't get much love from the judges. She is currently in her awkward puppy stage so I'm not discouraged by it.

Nay Designs Come And Get Your Love CGCU

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November 17-19, 2023 Hilda ran in the Novice Puppy class and won 2/5 shows, also earning 3rd and 4th place in the other shows. She will begin earning points towards her UKC Champion title at the next show.

Nay Designs Come and Get your Love CGCA CGCU

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November 17-19, 2023 Ragnar won the Grand Champion class 3 shows, Best of Breed 2 shows, and Group 3 during the last show. He has earned another leg towards his Emerald Grand Champion title. He now has 4/5 legs needed. Ragnar also earned his Advanced CGC title during the show.

UKC GRCH Nay Designs Keeper of the Fort BCAT CGCA


October 21, 2023 Dexter earned his Novice Trick Title.

Nay Designs Malted Milk Ball TKN


October 12, 2023 Hilda earned her Advanced CGC and Urban CGC titles. The trainer mentioned she was very impressed with how well she did for her age.

Nay Designs Come and Get Your Love CGCA CGCU


October 5, 2023 Hilda earned her CGC title. She will be going for her Advanced CGC and Urban CGC next.

Nay Designs Come and Get your Love CGC


September 27, 2023 Dexter graduated from AKC S.T.A.R Smart Puppy Class.

Nay Designs Malted Milk Ball


September 16, 2023 Ragnar earned his BCAT title in FastCat. He runs a consistent 25MPH each time and has a huge drive for chasing the lure.

UKC GRCH Nay Designs Keeper of the Fort BCAT


June 16-18, 2023 Ragnar earn the last leg he needed to gain his UKC Grand Champion title. He won Best of breed 3/5 shows. He earned a Group 2 and in the last show he earned a Group 1 which allowed him to compete for Best in Show. He now has 2 legs towards his Emerald Grand Champion title. He got a very nice compliment from one of the judges that "he looks like a stallion walking into the ring".

UKC GRCH Nay Designs Keeper of the Fort


Ragnar ran 4 qualifying runs during a local FastCat event May 6-7, 2023. He ran 25mph during each run, earning him 100 points. He is now only 50 points away from earning his BCAT title.

UKC CH Nay Designs Keeper of the Fort


Ragnar attended a CAT event April 22-23, 2023. He got close to qualifying the first run but had to take a potty break, he then seemed tired on the second try and didn't complete the run. He got a huge compliment from a sighthound judge. He had a lot of drive and I may try again with him next time.

UKC CH Nay Designs Keeper of the Fort


March 24-26, 2023 Ragnar won the Champion class 4 time, two in which earned him 2 more legs towards his grand. He also took a Group 4 with a BOB.

UKC CH Nay Designs Keeper of the Fort


November 11-13, 2022 Ragnar didn't get much love in the ring but he showed a lot better than back in the summer.

UKC CH Nay Design Keeper of the Fort

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June 17-19, 2022 Ragnar earned two legs towards his Grand Championship title. He also earned one Reserve Champion against Hera. (Unfortunately he was too hyper to get any pictures of him at this last show).

UKC CH Nay Designs Keeper of the Fort

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June 17-19, 2022 Hera earned her UKC Championship title. She earned 2 Best of Winners, one leg towards her Grand Championship title, and received a Reserve Champion placement against Ragnar.

UKC CH HnrCH Per Aspera Ad Astra Hera Nay


March 18-20, 2022 Ragnar earned his UKC Championship title at his first show. He earned 5 default 1st class and best male then received 3 best of winners and 1 best of breed.

UKC CH Nay Designs Keeper of the Fort

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March 18-20, 2022 Hera earned 45 points and 2 competition wins towards her UKC Championship title. She received 3 1st class, 3 best female, and 1 best of winners.

HnrCH Per Aspera Ad Astra Hera Nay

IABCA December 2020

On December 6, 2020 Hera earned her International Championship title. She earned best of breed in all shows.

IntCH Per Aspera Ad Astra Hera Nay

IABCA April 2021

On April 11, 2021 Hera earned her National and Honors Championship titles. She earned best of breed in all shows and a Group 3.

HnrCH Per Aspera Ad Astra Hera Nay


Hera did 4 complete runs at a local FastCat event which earned her first points towards her FastCat title.

Per Aspera Ad Astra Hera Nay


Ragnar ran 2 practice runs during a local FastCat event. He isn't old enough to earn points but teaching him the rules of the game now is very important. He did great during his runs!

Nay Designs Keeper of The Fort

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November 17-19, 2023 Ingrid ran in the Novice Puppy class and won 2/5 shows, also earning 2nd and 3rd place in the other shows. She will begin earning points towards her UKC Champion title at the next show.

Nay Designs Two Tender Hearts

Brags: Testimonials
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